Drupal site audit detects the critical errors on the site

Drupal site audit

Only quality technical Drupal site audits and fixes, done based on it, can predict errors and save your website from crushes and losing your money. 

What is a Drupal website audit

A site’s technical audit is a set of measures aimed to check a site for various internal errors. This set of works allows you to identify errors that adversely affect the functional operation of the site, and can also interfere with the promotion of a resource in search engines. The timely detection and elimination of technical problems is the key to good website promotion, as well as the basis for the convenience of using it. Drupal website audit, this is important for stable work of your site.

What does a technical audit include?

The technical site audit includes the next elements:

Site speed audit
Errors with AMP and Accessibility
Checking settings and hosting optimization
Finding and eliminating duplicate pages
Website layout analysis
Analysis of the CMS used
Preparing the site audit report

As a routine Drupal site audit (as part of web development services) we require to get a site’s credentials or its archive to review the Drupal core and its modules to understand the quality of the code, critical errors to be fixed, incorrect work of the functionalities that lead to the site’s crashes and so on. Moreover, it's perfect to check if site blocks, views, site themes, links, etc. work correctly. Site audit shows if the website is broken because of bug, if so - all developers are going to work around the clock to fix it as fast as possible. Technical issues should be receiving the same level of attention.
That’s why the technical audit is the key to success. Ready to learn more about Drupal audit and Drupal based solutions?

Site audit Drupal (Drupal code audit)

A lot of business owners desire to have a completely stable and working Drupal website, but they even don’t know how many efforts they should put to succeed with the technical audit. First, there needs to find highly skilled developers, who love their job and will be able to provide you with quality Drupal site technical audit. What about our guys? Yes, every day they learn different tips to know how to satisfy our customers.

No matter, if you are a big company or well-known startup, it demonstrates over and over again that there is a direct correlation between the time it takes for the site to respond and your levels of user engagement, conversations, and ultimately revenue.

On this page, you’ll find the approximate list of tools we use for the technical site’s audit

  1. Blackfire

    What makes your website slow? Since it's not enough to have only the Drupal security module installed. You cannot fix that you are not aware of. This is one of the tools to get the website audit, let’s dive deeper.

    Blackfire is a performance management solution. The core technology is a profiler, but the product is way more than that. Blackfire fits in our development workflow by providing Drupal 8 site audit: debug, finding hidden bottlenecks, trend analyses, automate test performance testing, give fast feedback to developers, avoid regressions, and guarantee that the website can be deployed with confidence.

    Blackfire can be used during the development as a super-charge profile on our local machines, on testing servers, it helps automate performance management by running tests to continuously check code behavior, or running integration scenarios to find the regulations and check the budget. In the staging environment, Blackfire can be used to validate performance improvements or decide when code is ready to be deployed to production. And finally, on the Production server, it identifies the root causes of performance issues, understands how code behaves under stress, and find the security issues.

  2. XHprof

    The oldest pure-profilers in the PHP world.

    XHprof is one of the useful tools we use in the Drupal code audit. XHProf is a profiler developed to analyze PHP code and applications. Created and open-sourced by Facebook, but unfortunately, it is no longer maintained by Facebook. XHProf works as a passive profiler, which means it will work in the background while having minimum impact on the application’s performance, making it suitable to be used in production environments.

Tideways, Xdebug profiling, and others - are our daily helpers in performance Drupal site audit. Comparing the most popular profiler and proposing our customer’s the best ones - is our target. So make sure, we know how to get the right information at the right moment.

Our team will be happy to perform a site audit for the Drupal site since we believe the huge success comes from hard work.

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