
Do you still doubt that web design directly affects the conversion of your Drupal site? Today, high-end web design goes beyond a simple and beautiful layout, well-optimized photos, or an eye-catching color scheme. If you neglect the connection between web design and conversion, your lead generation progress won’t help you realize your digital marketing objectives and desired ROI rates.

29 Apr 2024
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Drupal started as a student project in Belgium. Initially, Dries Bytart devised a communication system between students living in dormitories. But the Drupal software and community have grown significantly over the years. For now, ten significant versions of Drupal have been released. 

30 Oct 2023
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By studying the latest trends in web design in 2023 and beyond, we can predict what will be popular shortly. This article examines in detail the latest trends in web design, including minimalist design, dark mode, vibrant nostalgia, animation, and much more. We will also discuss how these trends can improve the user experience and make your website more attractive and practical.
25 Jul 2023
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We are so interested in who you are. Are you a designer? We can suppose it as you are interested in this topic. However, it can be assumed that you are not. Basically, you may not even be related to design, and the last time you drew was in school. Did we guess? Whoever you are, we've written this blog for you!

07 Mar 2023
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