
29 Apr 2024

Do you still doubt that web design directly affects the conversion of your Drupal site? Today, high-end web design goes beyond a simple and beautiful layout, well-optimized photos, or an eye-catching color scheme. If you neglect the connection between web design and conversion, your lead generation progress won’t help you realize your digital marketing objectives and desired ROI rates.

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08 Apr 2024

Given the variety of tools and techniques Drupal offers, it is a must to estimate your business needs first. AI, VR, AR, blockchain, and other technologies will keep reshaping industrial processes, so your task is to ensure the overall Drupal site’s scalability and versatility. 
Businesses of any calibre won’t achieve excellent results if they don’t align the server-side and client-side aspects of website development. Expanding website capabilities with Drupal integration will help you keep the momentum and improve online experiences for your audiences. 

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28 Mar 2024
Don’t get it wrong — crypto assets like Bitcoin are not what this term means in the distinguished content management system. Read more to learn more about examples of token usage in Drupal in real-world scenarios.
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07 Mar 2024
In today's globalized digital space, multilingualism plays a huge role. Information resources are often popular among representatives of different nations and language groups. These people may have different beliefs and be followers of other religions, but they all have access to information on the Internet. Modern developers must always take the issue of universal access responsibly. The more versatile their site is, the more people they can reach the math, numbers, and facts. For example, 55% of pages on the Internet are in English, but only 19% of users are English-speaking.
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26 Feb 2024
The rule of thumb is straightforward — the faster, the better. The speed of carousel sliders in Drupal has a huge impact on how users interact with your content. If adjusted correctly, it will surely drive your platform to the top of SERPs.
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05 Feb 2024
Fun fact. Drupal was started in 2001 — two years before WordPress was released. According to W3Techs, this CMS powers 1.1% of all websites, from blogs to e-commerce and government sites, holding a 1.6% market share.
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26 Jan 2024
We all know such an effective and common way of demonstrating content as a slideshow. Similarly, visual content was shown even before the invention of computers on ancient mechanical devices that used slides. This is where the name comes from.
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05 Jan 2024
Sometimes, creating a modern design with high functionality is problematic. Especially when it comes to large-scale and complex projects. There are various solutions to make the process of creating layouts easier and more convenient. One of the most influential and popular is Drupal Layout Builder.
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