Drupal development

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor formerly called FCKeditor. But after its Brazilian creator, Frederico Caldeira Knabben discovered that FCK is a negative abbreviation in English, the name was changed to CKEditor. CKEditor 5 version was launched back in 2018. To date, many users have already updated and improved this indispensable and beloved tool. It is an entirely new product.
Brew yourself a hot cup of coffee and read our CKEditor 5 blog to find out:

19 Oct 2022
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Hello dear colleagues and friends! Although Drupal 10 will be released just on December 14, 2022, the entire Drupal community is already actively discussing the next version of Drupal. There are so many guesses and assumptions about Drupal 11! There were simply no indifferent people left. 
We explain what is true and what is just a rumor. Dries Buytaert's quotations will be used directly in the text.

19 Oct 2022
Editor 0 comments