Submitted by admin on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 09:54

Welcome to the new journey, describing you how to install Docker in different operating systems and why Linux is the best environment. What is VM and how it is related to Docker?

This article is written for people familiar with the site’s development and products that require using the different versions of technologies. We believe that at the end of this article you definitely will want to have Docker installed. Let’s go!

The new fashion is virtualization

There is the best illustration of the difference between Docker and VM. Docker supports the multiple OS running in the same host, along with this it provides more efficient. It means, instead of running your application every time you want to run it) you go to buy a new and expensive server - you can run multiple operating systems on the same work environment, which essentially means that you can run your application in isolation in the same server, the same infrastructure but as a result, your application won’t have conflicts with other apps. It like running entirely separate computers on one computer. And we have to say - that is a mind-blowing thing! If we talk about efficiency, it’s already cool. Let us highlight why. In case you need to move the project from one server to another - it’s very easy to do it using Docker, as all the necessary configuration contains the .env file. Therefore, you will save your customer time and money and smoothly and will run the project in the new environment.

Docker in a nutshell

Docker mainly is a software development platform, like a separate local machine, that allows keeping the project with the desired configuration. This is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Many companies have started using Docker as a platform. OS-level virtualization, that was designed, allowing delivery of your application in a small unit, called containers. Containers are a small unit, that includes tools for your applications. These containers actually are running with OS kernel and these containers are using the computer or your system resources, PR light-weighted a competitor VM.

The best Docker hosting

Nowadays, lots of hosting providers provide the possibility to use Docker as an out-of-box feature. It’s cool, It’ll find you well as there no need to install and configure Docker as it’s available during the server configuration. Welcome to read:  

  1. Digital Ocean - there just need to register an account and create a new Droplet, based on Docker application. 
  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - this cloud - hosting service provides to possibility to use Docker. 
  3. Microsoft Azure - it’s a official Docker partner. 

Docker Benefits

  • lightweight
  • portable
  • extremely-extremely fast
  • no hypervisor

Docker parallels

Docker parallels is a functionality that’s available in Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition only. It helps to keep a few virtual machines loaded, for instance - a few versions of OS and few versions of Windows. Parallels Desktop enables you to load many virtual machines on your hard drive and to run as many simultaneously as you have RAM. 
To successfully run Docker Parallels welcome to visit Github.

How to install Docker on MAC.

Hooray, that’s the easiest installation ever. Hopefully, exist lots of resources where the Docker installation is available. But we researched for you. Everything is easy, there just need to download Docker as a particular application then install it and run as well. That’s all. It takes a couple of minutes.

How to install Docker on Windows 10.

  1. To get Docker installed on Windows, your machine requires Microsoft  Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise version.
  2. Open your favorites browser and type docker download for Windows 10 and open the corresponding link.
  3. Click on "Download from Docker Store" button, afterwards you will be redirected to and click on "Please Login To Download" button, It will redirect on
  4. Perform the required steps to create the account.
  5. Login on with Docker ID and Password and download the Docker for windows installer by clicking on "Get Docker" button.
  6. Download will take some time because exe file size more than 530MB.
  7. Click on Downloaded Installation exe file and start and follow the installation steps.
  8. After successful installation if your Hyper-V is not start then it will ask for start Hyper-v and restart the system.
  9. Now start the docker. It takes some time to start.
  10. Open Command Prompt and type "docker" it should work.
  11. For checking docker version: docker -v

Welcome to see that Docker is successfully installed on your system.

How to install Docker on Linux

Linux is a native environment for Docker and it’s installation is an easy process in case you took all the important aspects into the account. Let’s step-by-step proceed with the light version of Docker installation on Linux. First of all, Docker can be installed in the following OS: 
1. Linux
2. Windows
3. MacOS

Step 1: Install the Docker-compose. The installation file is available on the official website. Here is a command: 

$ sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Step 2: With the help of the following command please configure the permission: 
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

The following command allows checking the status if Docker was successfully installed: 
$ sudo systemctl status docker

The successful result:
docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-07-05 15:08:39 UTC; 2min 55s ago
 Main PID: 10096 (dockerd)
    Tasks: 16
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
           ├─10096 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
           └─10113 docker-containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml


Or Check the status of Docker-compose: 
$ docker-compose --version

The successful result:
docker-compose version
1.21.2, build a133471

Step 3: Create Docker-Compose .env File
Many applications use the environment variables to control how they run or to configure things such as data locations. 
ENV var1 value
ENV var2=value

Step 4: Then, the following command should be run from the directory, where the docker Compose places: 
$ docker-compose up

For example, if an application that uses the Oracle instant client may need to have Oracle home environment variables set. There you can also use the env instruction to set variables that can be used in instructions later in the Dockerfile the environment variable can be specified with the variable name separated with the value with white space or with the equal sign without white space. 

nano docker-compose.yml
Please click Here is an example of the .env file to download


Here is an example of the yml file to download.


Docker has lots of benefits that allow working quickly and effectively. By the way, our developers use Docker in their projects, ensuring the stable work process during the Drupal development. 

Thus, there is another alternative for Docker  - Lando

Truly yours,