Best Drupal Modules for Your Website in 2024

10 May 2024

Regarding future-proof Drupal websites, catching luck by the tail will lead to no good in the long run. To stay on firm ground, pay more attention to how innovative technologies alter the IT product development landscape. Advocating for essential Drupal modules for a domain’s architecture will be the core of a brand’s success — a winning bet by default.
In this article, let’s look at the best Drupal modules in 2024. They will help you obtain a solid income of actionable insights with tested strategies to reach new horizons in the market. 

Drupal Module Landscape in 2024

Overall,  the shift to user-centric Drupal modules will keep going. There are several reasons why this tendency is so blooming — audiences find platforms with AI-empowered tools, better security terms, fascinating animations, intuitive menus, and web-responsive elements extremely appealing.
To handle an ever-evolving level of coding and design complexity, specialists focus on 2024 Drupal module trends:

  • GraphQL's benefits include more effective use of data with no under-fetching or over-fetching moments, a high operational speed, enhanced scalability, better productivity and analysis of queries, and so on. Experiment with the Drupal GraphQL module for impressive results.
  • Automated performances — simplifying and streamlining websites' operations will remain a common task and challenge for developers. The PHPU Manual and Drupal Console will come in handy from this perspective.
  • PWAs — progressive web applications are great for businesses thanks to their ability to operate offline, reliability, and fast speed of service delivery. The Drupal PWA module is the right fit for your needs.
  • Accessibility-first development — in a nutshell, this best practice refers to making platforms all-inclusive and efficient for any end user. Considering the unique needs of people who have dyslexia and other conditions and diseases, website developers rethink the structure, visuals, and text formats of their IT products.

The list can be truly endless since developers require detailed and shareable documentation, Google Fonts and other third-party integrations, tech-savvy architectures, robust grids for a precise layout structure, and much more. Keep reading this guide to better grasp efficient Drupal modules for your goals in 2024.

14 Must-Have Drupal Modules for 2024

Let’s define the best Drupal modules for functionality and why they are the core of a successful tool stack for modern experts. Mind the gap!

1. Admin Toolbar

It is one of the most essential Drupal modules in 2024. Although established in 2015, the Admin Toolbar has preserved its sufficiency in coordinating website-related administration and management processes. It is a stunning solution to transform a default menu version into a simple-to-use alternative with fast access and response. Its drop-down nature simplifies user experiences for non-techno-savvy users. 

2. Webform Module

Simply put, this powerful collection of instruments is a game-changing strategy for creating content displays on the target platform. Its extended functionality, open-source coding, and second-to-none flexibility stand out. It will showcase its advancement for businesses whenever they conduct surveys, collect feedback, and analyze statistics of how effective their content management and marketing strategies are. Moreover, the Webform module is compatible with third-party integrations like SalesForce.

3. Search 404

404 Not Found - Website visitors face such notifications at least occasionally. Not-found pages, however, don’t positively influence user satisfaction, nor do search engines evaluate the target platform and rate its position in SERPs. With Search 404, you can automatize identifying troubled page areas and redirect readers to correct URLs with the data tailored to their search queries.

4. Google Analytics

Make your progress measurable with advanced statistics in Drupal. One of the ways to coordinate and optimize your work is by using premium-class features from Google Analytics. Stay on top of the possible marketing effectiveness of your system with this intuitive integration. Their fusion is scalable and flexible, which helps enthusiasts advance the range of their online presence and prestige.

5. Pathauto Module

Here is another instrument to boost your SEO tactics. In plain English, the Pathauto Module's mission is to streamline the creation of URLs and avoid any issues related to the wrong construction and doubled data. With minimal control and interference from the website's owner, it assists in generating meaningful and content-oriented URLs for pages.

6. Captcha

The Captcha module enables developers to present numerous tests and challenges for visitors to see their genuine identity. Compatible with any Drupal web form, it guarantees extra layers of protection against unauthorized remote digital entry — human-friendly and bot-hostile.

With the reCAPTCHA module, you will advance your platform’s scam detection and prevention skills. This classic “I’m not a robot” feature helps your system limit its accessibility to bots and other software-operated machines. Don’t hesitate to dive deeper into Drupal’s documentation and expand the range of your performance policies — check the rules of Third-Party Integration, Spam Prevention, and Security.

7. Content Modules

Here are some tools to improve your site’s adaptability and agility:

  • Commerce and Advertising — even if you aren’t a traditional e-commerce platform, implementing the elements of electronic ads will take your digital marketing and cooperation strategies to the next level. Check the functionality of Google Admanager and Drupal Commerce
  • Games and Amusements — Media and Files and RSS publishing are essential tools to diversify how content is displayed and add more interactive elements.

Get acquainted with a complete list of Content Modules to customize and personalize your website development approach. Such modules as Geographical Data and Mapping, FAQ, and Documentation Tools will prove their efficiency in practice.

8. Social Networking Modules

Without a doubt, working on your reputation is a multi-step process. To ensure your system has all the needed features to entice and interact with your audience, check the following:

  • It is a great idea to establish and organize the work of your platform’s community within the platform — the Organic Groups are a must-have solution. 
  • From a technical standpoint, modules such as Log Entity and CRMCore are excellent for managing communication channels and interaction formats for regular visitors and prospective fans.
  • Vote Up/Down and VotingAPI are renowned frameworks for collecting customer feedback and providing opportunities for end users to evaluate your services and content. The last one, by the way, is maintained by pifagor, our Drupal developer!

9. OpenAI/ChatGPT Integration

Don't hesitate to take the most out of Drupal's base of modules for handling custom content. The blog, FAQ, or alternative sections will be a sufficient contribution for a website of any caliber and in multiple markets. With the help of OpenAI/ChatGPT Integration, enthusiasts can use the benefits of third-party content-generation programs in one place — rewrite, summarize, translate, and publish posts effortlessly through this CMS's interface. It is a brilliant chance to use advanced tools without overwhelming your Drupal tools stack and increase your posts and blogs' efficiency, appeal, and legibility.

10. Metatag

The Metatag module is how you establish a reliable interaction channel with search engine algorithms. It is an obligatory service for any platform, assisting in faster and simpler indexing and rendering of pages. Since creating metatags and other formats of metadata might be a challenge, especially for large and complex systems, the distinguished suite of tools is a great and programmatically advanced way out.

11. Disabled Message

By implementing the Disabled Message module in your framework of tools, you can coordinate your front-end and back-end processes without showcasing every change to the end user. Its sorting and filtering capacity will serve as a guardian of your privacy as a Drupal website owner. This module lets you specify what paths and for what visitor categories should be switched on and off.

12. Devel Module

Drupal’s Devel module is a recommended addition to your suite of tools, letting you avoid performance issues and locate to-be-fixed bugs and errors as soon as possible. Early detection and troubleshooting are the core of backing up high-end customer experiences on the target platform.

13.  Display Suite

Display Suite is a wonderful start to your development journey. Its simple-to-edit layouts of pages establish a robust foundation for content creators, letting them reduce the hustle and bustle of content layering and composition on the website itself. It is perfect for:

  • adding semantic fields and styles;
  • diversifying the structure of custom fields without coding;
  • adjusting the view and functionality of page layouts per node.

14. Live Helper Chat

In a nutshell, this service satisfies the basic needs of audiences across markets — to get a timely response to their search queries and inquiries about issues, navigation, etc. The Live Helper Chat extension can be customized to suit your brand’s objectives. Establishing a solid communication channel with the target community is the best option.


The Drupal modules summary 2024 is straightforward — interested parties must create advanced, flexible, and versatile tool stacks to handle as many performance and security aspects as possible. With modules for content creation, site management, Drupal administration, and other purposes, you closely monitor what strategies can result in a more advantageous website architecture with maximum efficiency.
Tell us more about your creative journey — what other modules do you find must-have and cutting-edge technologies to boost your progress? Let’s reach next-gen Drupal operational heights!

